Crete Booking Inquiry

Wellcome fellow rider!

Please fill in the information in the form to book your bike and joyride.
We will follow up for confirmation and more information.
Please note: you will be confirmed as soon we reply and approve your request.

In case of cycling tours please review the rider types section below. Let us know what feels most comfortable to you. We will further discuss fitness and technique, in detail, about the routes of your interest.
Whether for bikes or cycling tours, just click on the dates and comment about the specific services you are interested in.

Let us know if you prefer SPD pedals on your bike.

A quick reminder:
Bike station is open Monday - Saturday,
9.00 - 18.00 
Usually we accept calls and check our mailboxes even later on, though. If you missed the time frame above, you might want to give it another shot.
Tours depart at 10.00 from the bike station at Royal Blue Resort & Spa, unless other time is requested. We meet there 9.30-9.45

Thank you for joining,

Happy rides!

Booking Calendar for Bikes & Rides

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RIDER Types definition

Find your Comfort Zone

Whether you ride for fun, recreation, fitness, the challenge, the adventure or to stretch your limits, Joyride Cycling has you covered with routes that fit your technical level and physical condition. Though it’s impossible to categorize Riders or Rides in a definite manner, we provide basic guidelines to help us find your comfort zone.

Please review the Rider Types in the tabs, we split them into three categories : Recreational, Active, and Avid. Use it as a reference to find routes, tours and trips that best suit your preferences.

We always keep a caring eye on our guests, providing support, information for the route and tips to handle each section properly. Should you feel the need to build up on your confidence and skills, short training courses, for beginners and advanced riders  are available upon request. For any further information feel free to contact us.

Bike Rentals


I ride my bike regularly for fun, commuting or fitness. I am relatively fit as I enjoy sports and an active lifestyle. I prefer rides with slight inclines, mostly flat, rolling terrain with short climbs. I prefer low to moderate pace with breaks on the way. I can ride 30 – 50 Km on mixed terrain, up to 600 meters of climbing.

I have some basic experience riding off road, I am mountain biking a few times per year. I can roll and balance the bike on smooth dirt roads and I can maintain control of speed and direction. When things get rough, rocky or loose I’d rather walk the section.

View recommended Recreational Tours

Mountain Bike Tours & Road Cycling Routes


I regularly ride my bike on a weekly basis, for fitness or sport. Active lifestyle is in my priorities, I enjoy all terrain and I feel comfortable challenging hills, mountain passages and long persistent climbs,.
I can ride at a moderate pace 4-6 hour rides , 40 – 60 km off road, up to 1000 height meters (elevation).

I have been mountain biking for more than a year. I have good control of my bike on moderately steep, rocky and loose terrain on climbs and descents. Fast descents bring a smile on my face and I really enjoy technical sections and single tracks.

View recommended Active Tours

Avid Rider


I am a strong, experienced mountain biker, cycling on average 100+ km weekly. I have excellent physical condition, I enjoy all terrain including long, steep, challenging, technical climbs and descents.
I can ride for 4+ hours at a fast pace, on 50 plus km long routes and I stay sharp after 1500 m of climbing.

I have been mountain biking for at least two years on a consistent basis. I have total control of my bike on fairly steep slopes, rocky, loose and tricky terrain. Fast descents are pure fun, rewarding me after a challenging climb.

View recommended Avid Tours

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